Fotos Sobre nosotros Menú Meet Your Teachers
  • "Choose Your Own Menu" from 200 Different Dishes with Market Tour
  • "Choose Your Own Menu" from 200 Different Dishes with Market Tour
  • "Choose Your Own Menu" from 200 Different Dishes with Market Tour
  • "Choose Your Own Menu" from 200 Different Dishes with Market Tour
  • "Choose Your Own Menu" from 200 Different Dishes with Market Tour
  • "Choose Your Own Menu" from 200 Different Dishes with Market Tour
  • "Choose Your Own Menu" from 200 Different Dishes with Market Tour
  • "Choose Your Own Menu" from 200 Different Dishes with Market Tour
US$ 81 por persona

"Choose Your Own Menu" from 200 Different Dishes with Market Tour

US$ 81 por persona
Hora de inicio
4 hours
Mínimo de participantes
1 Participantes
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Servicios incluidos destacados

All ingredients
Choose 4 dishes
Choose your menu

Información adicional


Recibirás la confirmación de la disponibilidad de tu reservas dentro de 24 horas. Cuando ya esté confirmado, presenta tu número de referencia de reservación en la escuela de cocina.


Full refunds will be issued for cancellations made at least 48 hours prior to the activity


4th Floor, 26 Ly Tu Trong, District 1, Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Punto de encuentro

Our staff in uniform with the sign “ VietNam Cookery Center” will meet you at the main entrance of Ben Thanh market (under the clock on Le Loi St.) at 8:30
