Fotos Sobre nosotros Menú
  • Taste the Historic Center of Mexico City with Locals
  • Taste the Historic Center of Mexico City with Locals
  • Taste the Historic Center of Mexico City with Locals
  • Taste the Historic Center of Mexico City with Locals
  • Taste the Historic Center of Mexico City with Locals
  • Taste the Historic Center of Mexico City with Locals
  • Taste the Historic Center of Mexico City with Locals
  • Taste the Historic Center of Mexico City with Locals
  • Taste the Historic Center of Mexico City with Locals
  • Taste the Historic Center of Mexico City with Locals
  • Taste the Historic Center of Mexico City with Locals
  • Taste the Historic Center of Mexico City with Locals
US$ 110 por persona

Taste the Historic Center of Mexico City with Locals

US$ 110 por persona
Hora de inicio
11:30AM, 12PM
4.5 hours
Mínimo de participantes
1 Participantes
English or Spanish
Reserva inmediata: confirmamos tu reserva instantáneamente

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Servicios incluidos destacados

4.5 hour tour in Mexico City's Historic Center
All meals and beverages included
Drink in a classic cantina
Explore a market active since Aztec times

Información adicional


Reserva ahora y recibe tu confirmación instantáneamente. Presenta tu número de referencia de reservación en la escuela de cocina.


Full refunds will be issued for cancellations made at least 48 hours prior to the activity

Punto de encuentro

Meet our host outside the restaurant Testal - Centro located in Dolores 16, Centro, Cuauhtémoc, 06000.

Metro Stations: Line 3, green color: Juarez, Hidalgo or Balderas Line 2, blue color: Bellas Artes MetroBus stations: Line 3, green color: Juarez Line 4, yellow color: Juarez or Balderas


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