Foto Tentang Menu Ulasan
  • Half day cooking class with Yummy Tasty Thai Cooking School
  • Half day cooking class with Yummy Tasty Thai Cooking School
  • Half day cooking class with Yummy Tasty Thai Cooking School
  • Half day cooking class with Yummy Tasty Thai Cooking School
  • Half day cooking class with Yummy Tasty Thai Cooking School
  • Half day cooking class with Yummy Tasty Thai Cooking School
  • Half day cooking class with Yummy Tasty Thai Cooking School
  • Half day cooking class with Yummy Tasty Thai Cooking School
  • Half day cooking class with Yummy Tasty Thai Cooking School
  • Half day cooking class with Yummy Tasty Thai Cooking School
  • Half day cooking class with Yummy Tasty Thai Cooking School
  • Half day cooking class with Yummy Tasty Thai Cooking School
  • Half day cooking class with Yummy Tasty Thai Cooking School
  • Half day cooking class with Yummy Tasty Thai Cooking School
  • Half day cooking class with Yummy Tasty Thai Cooking School
  • Half day cooking class with Yummy Tasty Thai Cooking School
  • Half day cooking class with Yummy Tasty Thai Cooking School
  • Half day cooking class with Yummy Tasty Thai Cooking School
  • Half day cooking class with Yummy Tasty Thai Cooking School
  • Half day cooking class with Yummy Tasty Thai Cooking School
  • Half day cooking class with Yummy Tasty Thai Cooking School
  • Half day cooking class with Yummy Tasty Thai Cooking School
  • Half day cooking class with Yummy Tasty Thai Cooking School
  • Half day cooking class with Yummy Tasty Thai Cooking School
US$ 30 per orang

Half day cooking class with Yummy Tasty Thai Cooking School

US$ 30 per orang
5,00 (30)
Waktu mulai
9AM, 3:15PM
4.5 hours
Min. peserta
2 Peserta
Termasuk penjemputan gratis

Selengkapnya +
Selengkapnya +

Selengkapnya +

Termasuk Sorotan

6 dishes
Booklet recipes
Lunch or dinner included
Market tours
Vegan and vegetarian option

Informasi Tambahan

Opsi Penjemputan

Transport from / to your hotel within 3 km. from Kad Kom Market.


Anda akan menerima konfirmasi ketersediaan pemesanan Anda dalam waktu 24 jam. Setelah dikonfirmasi, harap tunjukkan nomor referensi pemesanan Anda di sekolah memasak.


Full refunds will be issued for cancellations made at least 48 hours prior to the activity

Foto Wisatawan

Ulasan Wisatawan

Diverifikasi 5,00 30 Ditinjau
"Delicious food, super explanation, great experience"
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Aktivitas ini termasuk penjemputan gratis ke lokasi.

Titik Pertemuan

Kom Market

Mencari hadiah yang sempurna?

Hadiah ideal untuk pecinta makanan, perjalanan, dan memasak.

Berikan hadiah kepada orang tersayang Anda dengan pilihan lebih dari 2000 pengalaman kuliner di seluruh dunia.
