Pachamama - “Mother earth” in Quechua language - represents not only the earth per se but the entire ecosystem including nature and living things. It is the nucleus in the system of beliefs among native people in most of South American tradition and so it represents what we want to achieve in this experience: sharing with everyone Argentine´s cuisine and tradition by cooking and eating all together. My name is Franco Nesossi. Influenced by childhood memories with my grandparents, after dedicating to finance, I decided to start my studies as a professional Cook.
After several years of cooking experiences abroad, working at different restaurants, caterings and other gastronomic businesses I decided to get together two of my biggest passions: cooking and teaching. I have traveled a lot during my life. Everywhere I have gone, most of my memories include great meals, markets and cooking local dishes with other people. I love receiving travelers at my cooking experience and sharing about food, culture, wine, while eating and enjoying together around the table.