I m thinking Cho of tingly was more enjoyable but her think accent made me pay attention and ask questions.
A great course with a great teacher. It was fun.
We had the best time in this class, and we’re so happy we did this. The inspector was absolutely amazing and very knowledgeable. She had great enthusiasm throughout and made sure to include everyone in the cooking. We would do this class over and over. The food tasted amazing too!
在其他旅遊網站有看到學習煮泰菜的課堂,不是價錢太貴就是菜式不是我想學的。無意間找到cookly這個網站,它可以因應地點而找尋心水的課堂。看到有齊想學的菜式而且包含了遊覽菜市場的項目,就預定了這間的課堂。 雖然學校的地點有點難找,但總體來說cp值十分高。 課堂以簡單的英文上課,完全不用任何準備,空手上課就可以了。 登記的職員及導師親切友善,而且很懂搞氣氛。 導師在導遊菜市場都很仔細介紹當地的飲食文化。 課室很明亮,工具整齊擺放好,十分整潔。 我選擇的是星期四的課堂,有冬陰公湯,泰式炒河粉,馬沙拉咖哩及芒果糯米飯。 導師講解生動,沒有覺得悶的地方。每一個步驟及材料都有好好的講解,如材料放到菜式是用上它的香味,又或是味道、裝飾作用等等。講解的速度及節奏很適中,當天所有同學都跟得上。 導師講解期間,所有同學都能參與到每一個環節。例如聞一下食材的味道,一起把需要的食材切好等等。 在煮菜期間,導師都有清晰迅速地指導每個同學。大家的成品賣相都十分吸引!課室的助理在我們完成菜式後,可以很快很有效率地清理及幫忙準備下一道菜品的材料系工具。十分利害! 如果是食量少的人就有心理準備要把自己的作品打包拿走了。導師都很細心準備了盒子給吃不完的大家打包。但當然,即時享用是最美味的! 最後,導師送給我們一人一本的食譜和一對筷子。是個很完美的總結呢~ 希望我可以和朋友一起再次回來上課,真是很精彩和難忘的經驗。
We had great fun while learning the basics of Thai cooking and we got to eat it all along the way. What’s not to like!
This was my first cooking class and it was worth every €. The teacher was really fun and energetic and she gave us a lot knowledge about Thai cuisine. Every dish we were preparing was so good and I can't wait to prepare it at home. If you're looking for a cooking class in Bangkok you should definitely go to Tingly! :)
When I travel, I try to do a cooking class with locals and I’m really glad I did this one. We made a four course meal with some of my favorite dishes—Tom yum goon, pad thai, massaman curry and mango sticky rice. There was even a surprise treat at the end. Thanks so much, I highly recommend!
Was a fabulous experience . The teacher was informative and funny and really engaging . The setup of the class was extremely professional and the recipes were all very easy to be able to make back home
An absolute must when in Bangkok! We chose the morning class with the market visit. The whole experience was excellent. The food delicious and the teachers and staff fun and friendly.
Welcome to Bangkok, Thailand! We are thrilled to introduce you to our culinary haven, "Tingly Thai Cooking School." The moniker "Tingly" affectionately refers to the school's owner.
Mr. Tingly brings over 6 years of experience in the tour industry and has observed the deep admiration and interest that tourists from various nations hold for Thai cuisine. Many wish to not only relish but also master the art of cooking their cherished Thai dishes. This realization inspired Mr. Tingly to establish this Thai cooking school, driven by the vision to promote Thai culinary culture worldwide and enable people to recreate authentic Thai dishes in their homes.
Thai cuisine is not only renowned for its delectable flavors but is also revered for its health benefits. Characterized by low-fat content and reliance on fresh ingredients, Thai cooking harnesses the power of numerous Thai herbs, often used not only in culinary creations but also for medicinal purposes.
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