Please note that the Maliwan Thai Cooking Class instructor determines the menu, which may include four of the following dishes:
推薦原因: Mae 向我們詳細地介紹每道料理的食材和細節,對於想要在家煮出泰國菜的人來說,這絕對是一堂很棒的課程!學校鄰近考山路、大皇宮和玉佛寺,在烹飪課程結束後,別忘了好好探索這一個區域!
貼心提醒: 學校藏身於兩條街之間,如果找不到,就勇於問路吧!當地人會很樂意地為您帶路。
適合對象: 泰國料理的美味關鍵,在於細節和烹調技法。這堂課程的設計,適合想要發掘泰國料理秘密的旅人。
交通方式:前往 BTS Ratchathewi站,接著轉乘摩托車或嘟嘟車前往考山(車資約一百泰銖)。
From Monday to Sunday
Morning class:
Afternoon class:
最晚請於課程開始的 48 小時以前提出取消要求,否則將無法辦理全額退款
The building is on the Sipsamhang Road, opposite to the Baworn Niwet Temple, but the entrance is at the back. Please use the rear entrance of the building by walking to the small alley next to the Chinese Shrine (San Chao Por Khao Tok) or Domino's Pizza on Kraisi Road. Then, turn right. You will see the entrance at the end of the alley. Location on Google map: 13.760898, 100.499291